GEEN 111: College of Engi Colloquium I
1 |
CAEE 101: Graphics in CAEE
2 |
CAEE 121: CAEE Colloquium
0 |
CAEE 230: CAEE Statics Lab
1 |
AREN Elective
3 |
AREN 112 or CM214/224 |
MEEN 241: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
3 |
AREN 281: BIM & Intro to Bldng Systems
2 |
ECEN 340: Electrical Circuits and Sys
3 |
CAEE 232: Engineering Solid Mechanics I
3 |
NC Community College Course EGR 230 |
CAEE 240: Numerical Methods and MATLAB
3 |
CAEE 362: Eng Fluid Mechan and Hydraulic
3 |
AREN 382: Architectural Design I
3 |
CAEE 363: Eng Fluid Mechan and Hydrau La
1 |
AREN 348: Funda of Illumina and Elec Pow
3 |
AREN 344: Lighting and Elec Power Labora
1 |
CAEE 330: Construc Materials and Methods
3 |
NC Community College Course: ARC 112 or CEG 210 |
CAEE 335: Construction Materials Lab
1 |
AREN 343: Heat Trans and Applied Thermo
2 |
AREN 387: Integrated Building Design
3 |
CAEE 304: Appli Sta Relia Deci Theo CAEE
3 |
CAEE 325: Structural Analysis
3 |
AREN 364: HAVC Principles and Systems
2 |
AREN 363: HAVC Principles Laboratory
1 |
CAEE 401: Engineering Topics Review
0 |
AREN 480: Senior Project-Design Develo
2 |
AREN Electives
3 |
CAEE 436 or CAEE 481 |
CAEE 430: Structural Design in Steel
3 |
AREN 483: Architectural Design II
2 |
AREN 467: Electrical Sys and Smart Build
2 |
CAEE 334: Engineering Mechanics II Dynam
2 |
CAEE 450: Construc Engineer and Manage
3 |
NC Community College Course : CMT 222 |