UNC Wilmington

Transfer Guide

UNC Wilmington
Middle Grades Education, BA

Transfer Guide for Associate in Arts


Delivery Method: On-Campus, Hybrid

Program Admission Notes:

Transfer Admission Requirements

Students who have graduated from high school or obtained a GED or adult high school diploma and enrolled in another postsecondary institution are considered transfer students. UNCW uses a holistic approach to review transfer student applications and will consider several aspects of an application in making an admission decision.

To be competitive for transfer admission, applicants must:

  • Meet UNC system high school minimum course requirements (or be exempt by being 21 years of age or older or having completed 24 hours of transferable undergraduate credits)
  • Have completed or be enrolled in 24 hours of transferable undergraduate credit hours

Transfer applicants are also recommended to have:

  • A minimum 2.4 college GPA or higher
  • Have completed or enrolled in college-level English and/or math

Note: Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to a specific academic program. Some academic programs may require an additional application and have requirements that exceed those listed above.


The Office of Admissions

Revised: May, 2024

College Level Foreign Language Requirements:

University Studies requires a student to obtain proficiency through the 201-level (equivalent to foreign language 211 at NCCCs) in a language previously studied or the 102-level (equivalent to foreign language 112 at NCCCs) in a second foreign language not previously studied. Students will demonstrate proficiency by completing a course at the 201 level or higher in a language previously studied or at the 102-level in a second foreign language. If you graduated high school 7 or more years before you enrolled at UNCW, an exception applies to you. Then you only need to complete a language course at the 102 level (or higher).

Major-Specific Course Recommendations:

Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry 3 ENG 101: College Writing and Reading I English Composition Required Course, General Education
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc 3 ENG 201: College Writing and Reading II English Composition Required Course, General Education
Foreign Lang. 111: Elementary Level I 3 University Equivalencies Additional General Education Courses Required Course, General Education
Foreign Lang. 112: Elementary Level II 3 University Equivalencies Additional General Education Courses Required Course, General Education
PED 110: Fit and Well for Life 2 WPA 101: Wellness and Physical Activity Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course, General Education
EDU 216: Foundations of Education 3 EDN 200: Teacher, School and Society Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course
PSY 263: Educational Psychology 3 EDN 203: Psy Foundations of Teaching Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course
ENG 231: American Literature I 3 ENG 223: American Literature to 1870 UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts Suggested Course, General Education
ENG 232: American Literature II 3 ENG 224: American Literature Since 1870 UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts Suggested Course, General Education
ENG 241: British Literature I 3 ENG 211: British Literature to 1800 UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts Suggested Course, General Education
SOC 210: Introduction to Sociology 3 SOC 105: Introduction to Sociology UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences Suggested Course, General Education
PSY 150: General Psychology 3 PSY 105: General Psychology UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences Suggested Course, General Education
MAT 152: Statistical Methods I 4 STT 215: Introduction to Statistics & STT 001: Statistics Elective UGETC Math Suggested Course, General Education
BIO 110: Principles of Biology 4 BIO 105: Concepts of Modern Biology UGETC Natural Sciences Suggested Course, General Education
CHM 151: General Chemistry I 4 CHM 101: General Chemistry I & CHML 101: General Chemistry Lab I Additional General Education Courses Suggested Course, General Education
MAT 172: Precalculus Trigonometry 4 MAT 160: Precalculus: Algebra & Trigono Additional General Education Courses Suggested Course, General Education

Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:

In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 3 University Equivalencies UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 6 University Equivalencies Elective/Pre-Major Courses Elective
ACA 122: College Transfer Success 1 UNI 001: University College Elective Academic Transition General Transfer Credit

Additional Information From UNC Wilmington:

Students should follow university studies requirements of the University of North Carolina Wilmington as outlined in the Academic Programs and University Studies section of the catalogue.

The major in middle grades education requires 88 hours (46 hours of education courses, 18 hours in an additional teaching field and 24 hours in an academic concentration). 

Courses recommended within the Associates of Arts requirements are reflective of the concentration students choose (e.g. UGETC Natural Science selections align with the Science Concentration within Middle Grades Education and UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts align with the Language Arts Concentration). 

Students wishing to pursue teacher preparation programs must be formally admitted to the Watson College of Education and to the Teacher Education Program. Students in all programs should consult their advisors for admission procedures and for a list of courses requiring Watson College admissions. A grade of “C-” or better is required in all education courses, as well as courses in the interdisciplinary specialty and the professional semester. Students may repeat courses in which they earn a grade lower than a “C-” only with the permission of the dean of the Watson College of Education. A cumulative grade point average of 2.70 is required for eligibility for the practicum semester.

An academic concentration of at least 24 semester hours is required. Academic concentrations may be chosen from one of the following four disciplines: Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies.

An additional teaching field of at least 18 credit hours is required. Additional teaching fields may be chosen from one of the following four disciplines: Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. Students are encouraged to select courses from University Studies to fulfill requirements in both the Academic Concentration and the Additional Teaching Field.

Distance Education

WCE offers an online program for students located within the Southeastern region of North Carolina seeking Middle Grades Education Certification (grades 6-9). In the Extension Program, all education courses are offered in online modalities – typically synchronous online.

Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:

University Course Credit
University Course Notes
EDN 301: Instructional Design & Eval 3
EDN 303: Instructional Technology 3
PSY 221 or PSY 223 3
EDN 318: Middle Sch Prog & Pract 3
EDN 320: Diverse Learners 3
EDN 352: Dev Read & Writing Mid Grades 3
EDN 439: Field Studies Middle Grades 3
Content Methods Courses 6

Students will select two content methods courses that correspond with their Concentration and Teaching Field from the following:

  • EDN 323 - Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Grades (6-9)
  • EDN 335 - Social Studies Education in the Middle Grades
  • EDN 338 - The Teaching of Science (6-9)
  • EDN 355 - Language Arts Methods for the Middle Grades
EDN 411: Student Teaching 12
Concentration Courses 24

Language Arts Students are encouraged to select courses from University Studies to fulfill requirements in both the Academic Concentration and the Additional Teaching Field.

ENG 231, ENG 232, ENG 241, ENG 242 within the NCCCS will count towards the UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts requirement and the Langauge Arts Concentration within Middle Grades Education and are the recommended options.  Reading and Literature Select 6 credit hours from the following:

  • ENG 211 - British Literature to 1800 (NCCCS: ENG 241)
  • ENG 212 - British Literature Since 1800 (NCCCS: ENG 242)
  • ENG 223 - American Literature to 1870 (NCCCS: ENG 231) 
  • ENG 224 - American Literature Since 1870 (NCCCS: ENG 232)
  • ENG 225 - World Literature to 1600 (NCCCS: ENG 261)
  • ENG 226 - World Literature Since 1600 (NCCCS: ENG 262)
  • ENG 232 - African American Literature (NCCCS: ENG 273)
  • ENG 233 - The Bible as Literature (NCCCS: ENG 253)
  • ENG 290 - Themes in Literature (NCCCS: ENG 235)

  Select 6 credit hours from the following:

  • ENG 303 - Reading and Writing Arguments
  • ENG 337 - Victorian Literature
  • ENG 350 - American Romanticism
  • ENG 356 - Indigenous American Literature
  • ENG 362 - Studies in the Novel
  • ENG 381 - Literature for Young Adults
  • ENG 382 - Ways of Teaching Literature

Language and Vocabulary

Select 6 hours from the following:

  • ENG 310 - Editing for Journalism and Mass Media
  • ENG 320 - Introduction to Linguistics
  • ENG 321 - Structure of the English Language
  • ENG 322 - Language and Meaning
  • ENG 323 - History of the English Language
  • ENG 324 - Topics in Linguistics
  • ENG 325 - Studies in Sociolinguistics
  • ENG 332 - Shakespeare’s Early Plays and Poems
  • ENG 333 - Shakespeare’s Later Plays

Writing, Speaking and Listening Select 6 credit hours from the following:

  • ENG 202 - Introduction to Journalism
  • ENG 204 - Introduction to Professional Writing
  • ENG 205 - Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies
  • ENG 302 - Journalism Workshop
  • ENG 304 - Writing for Teachers
  • ENG 311 - Professional Magazine Writing
  • CRW 201 - Introduction to Creative Writing (NCCCS: ENG 125)
  • CRW 207 - Fiction Writing I: Invention and Story Craft (NCCCS: ENG 127)
  • CRW 208 - Poetry Writing I: Image and Pattern (NCCCS: ENG 128)
  • CRW 209 - Creative Nonfiction I: Discovery and Story Craft (NCCCS: ENG 129)

The English Department will allow ENG 200 as a prerequisite for courses listed with a prerequisite of ENG 201. Candidates may substitute 3 credit hours from a study abroad or an International Studies course.

Math Required Courses

MAT 152 within the NCCCS will count towards the UGETC Math requirement and the Math Concentration within Middle Grades Education and are the recommended options.

  • MAT 112 - Trigonometry
  • MAT 141 - Concepts of Mathematics: Number, Operations, and Problem Solving (NCCCS: MAT 141)
  • MAT 142 - Concepts of Mathematics: Geometry, Measurement, and Problem Solving (NCCCS: MAT 142)
  • MAT 161 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry I (NCCCS: MAT 271)
  • MAT 243 - Concepts and Applications of Discrete Mathematics or
  • MAT 346 - Historical Development of Mathematics
  • MAT 245 - Euclidean Geometry or
  • MAT 345 - Modern College Geometry
  • MAT 396 - Mathematical Explorations in Technology or
  • MAT 275 - Axiomatic Systems
  • STT 215 - Introduction to Statistics (NCCCS: MAT 151)

* Candidates may substitute 3 credit hours from a study abroad or an International Studies course that has a demonstrated mathematics component.

Science Required Courses (12 hours)

BIO 110 and CHM 151 within the NCCCS will count towards the UGETC Natural Science requirement and the Science Concentration within Middle Grades Education and are the recommended options.

  • BIO 105 - Concepts of Modern Biology (NCCCS: BIO 110)
  • CHM 101 - General Chemistry I (NCCCS: CHM 151)
  • CHML 101 - General Chemistry Laboratory I (NCCCS: CHM 15C)
  • CHM 102 - General Chemistry II (NCCCS: CHM 152)
  • CHML 102 - General Chemistry Laboratory II (NCCCS: CHM 152C)

Elective Courses* (6-13 hours)

  • BIO 150 - Humans and Ecology 
  • BIO 190 - Microbes and Human Society (NCCCS: BIO 173)
  • BIO 201 - Principles of Biology: Cells (NCCCS: BIO 111)
  • BIO 202 - Principles of Biology: Biodiversity (NCCCS: BIO 112)
  • BIO 240 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I (NCCCS: BIO 165)
  • EDN 426 - Island Ecology for Educators
  • EVS 195 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences (NCCCS: ENV 120)
  • GGY 230 - Introduction to Weather and Climate (NCCCS: PHS 140)
  • GLY 101 - Earth Revealed (NCCCS: GEL 111)
  • GLY 135 - Prehistoric Life
  • PHY 101 - Elementary College Physics I (NCCCS: PHY 151)
  • PHY 102 - Elementary College Physics II (NCCCS: PHY 152)
  • PHY 103 - Great Ideas in Physics
  • PHY 111 - Naked-eye Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy
  • PHY 260 - Introduction to Astronomy (NCCCS: AST 151)

* Candidates may substitute 3 credit hours from a study abroad or an International Studies course that has a demonstrated science component.

Social Studies

HIS 131, HIS 132, HIS 112,  POL 210, ECO 251, and ECO 252 within the NCCCS will count towards the UGETC Social/Behavioral requirement and the Social Studies Concentration within Middle Grades Education and are the recommended options. Required US History Courses (6 hours)

  • HST 105 - United States to 1865 (NCCCS: HIS 131)
  • HST 106 - United States from 1865 to Present (NCCCS: HIS 132)

Global Content (Academic Concentration - select 9 hours, Additional Teaching Field - select 6 hours) At least 3 hours must be GGY.

  • ANT 205 - Human Societies (NCCCS: ANT 221)
  • ANT 312 - Collapse. The Fall of Complex Civilizations
  • GGY 101 - Modern World Geography (NCCCS: GEO 112)
  • GGY 180 - World Regional Geography (NCCCS: GEO 111)
  • GGY 215 - The Digital Globe
  • GGY 220 - Cartography and Data Visualization
  • GGY 340 - Population, Resources, and the Environment
  • GGY 435 - Environmental Geography
  • HST 102 - Europe in the World II (NCCCS: HIS 114)
  • HST 103 - Introduction to Global History 1500-1848 (NCCCS: HIS 115)
  • HST 104 - Introduction to Global History Since 1848 (NCCCS: HIS 112)
  • HST 270 - Global Issues in Historical Perspective 
  • HST 305 - The Ancient Near East
  • HST 306 - Ancient Greece and Rome
  • OCN 250 - Coasts and Society

Civics, Culture, and Economics Electives (Academic Concentration - select 9 hours, Additional Teaching field - select 6 hours)

  • ANT 205 - Human Societies (NCCCS: ANT 221)
  • ANT 206 - Cultural Anthropology (NCCCS: ANT 220)
  • ECN 125 - Survey of Economics (NCCCS: ECO 151)
  • ECN 221 - Principles of Economics-Micro (NCCCS: ECO 251)
  • ECN 222 - Principles of Economics-Macro (NCCCS: ECO 252)
  • ECN 250 - Capitalism and the Global Market
  • ECN 326 - Comparative Economic Systems
  • GGY 382 - Regional Geography of the United States
  • HST 358 - The United States Since 1945
  • PAR 205 - American Philosophy
  • PAR 230 - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  • PLS 101 - American National Government (NCCCS: POL 120)
  • PLS 111 - Politics and Government in Global Perspective
  • PLS 202 - Contemporary American Political Issues
  • PLS 217 - Ethics and Leadership in Public Life
  • PLS 222 - Contemporary International Political Issues
  • PLS 230 - Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics (NCCCS: POL 210)
  • SOC 215 - Modern Social Problems (NCCCS: SOC 220)

*Candidates may substitute 3 credit hours from a study abroad or an International Studies course that has a demonstrated Social Studies component.

Teaching Field Courses 18

Language Arts - 18 hours

  • Select 18 hours from the academic concentration. At least 3 credit hours must come from each category: Reading and Literature (1 course from each section), Language and Vocabulary, and Writing, Speaking and Listening.

Mathematics - 18 hours

  • Select from courses listed in the academic concentration. 9 hours should be at the 200-300 level.

Science - 18 hours

  • Complete required courses (BIO 105, CHM 101, CHML 101 and CHM 102, CHML 102) and select 6 hours from the elective courses listed in the academic concentration.

Social Studies - 18 hours

  • Select from: 6 hours of U.S. History, 6 hours of Global content, and 6 hours of Civics, Culture, and Economics electives.