UNC Wilmington

Transfer Guide

UNC Wilmington
Philosophy and Religion, BA

Transfer Guide for Associate in Arts


Concentration(s): Religion
Delivery Method: On-Campus

Program Admission Notes:

Transfer Admission Requirements

Students who have graduated from high school or obtained a GED or adult high school diploma and enrolled in another postsecondary institution are considered transfer students. UNCW uses a holistic approach to review transfer student applications and will consider several aspects of an application in making an admission decision.

To be competitive for transfer admission, applicants must:

  • Meet UNC system high school minimum course requirements (or be exempt by being 21 years of age or older or having completed 24 hours of transferable undergraduate credits)
  • Have completed or be enrolled in 24 hours of transferable undergraduate credit hours

Transfer applicants are also recommended to have:

  • A minimum 2.4 college GPA or higher
  • Have completed or enrolled in college-level English and/or math

Note: Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to a specific academic program. Some academic programs may require an additional application and have requirements that exceed those listed above.


The Office of Admissions

Revised: May, 2024

College Level Foreign Language Requirements:

University Studies requires a student to obtain proficiency through the 201-level (equivalent to foreign language 211 at NCCCs) in a language previously studied or the 102-level (equivalent to foreign language 112 at NCCCs) in a second foreign language not previously studied. Students will demonstrate proficiency by completing a course at the 201 level or higher in a language previously studied or at the 102-level in a second foreign language. If you graduated high school 7 or more years before you enrolled at UNCW, an exception applies to you. Then you only need to complete a language course at the 102 level (or higher).

Major-Specific Course Recommendations:

Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry 3 ENG 101: College Writing and Reading I English Composition Required Course, General Education
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc 3 ENG 201: College Writing and Reading II English Composition Required Course, General Education
MAT 143: Quantitative Literacy
MAT 152: Statistical Methods
3 UNCW Equivalencies UGETC Math Required Course, General Education
PHI 215: Philosophical Issues 3 PAR 101: Philosophical Thinking UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts Suggested Course, General Education
REL 110: World Religions 3 PAR 125: Scriptures World Religion Additional General Education Courses Suggested Course, General Education
REL 111: Eastern Religions 3 PAR 232: Asian Religions Additional General Education Courses Suggested Course, General Education
REL 112: Western Religions 3 PAR 230: Judaism, Christianity, Islam Additional General Education Courses Suggested Course, General Education

Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:

In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 6 UNCW Equivalencies UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 9 UNCW Equivalencies UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 4 UNCW Equivalencies UGETC Natural Sciences General Education
Foreign Lang. 111: Elementary Level I 3 UNCW Equivalencies Additional General Education Courses General Education
PED 110: Fit and Well for Life 2 WPA 101: Wellness and Physical Activity Elective/Pre-Major Courses General Education
Foreign Lang. 112: Elementary Level II 3 UNCW Equivalencies Elective/Pre-Major Courses General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 2 UNCW Equivalencies Additional General Education Courses Elective
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 9 UNCW Equivalencies Elective/Pre-Major Courses Elective
ACA 122: College Transfer Success 1 UNI 001: University College Elective Academic Transition General Transfer Credit

Additional Information From UNC Wilmington:

The University of North Carolina Wilmington strongly recommends students complete their Associates’ degree prior to transferring to UNCW.

The Philosophy and Religion Department fosters critical thinking skills in our students. We help students learn how to think without teaching them what to think. We encourage an appreciation of the cross-cultural human experience in the past and present. We train students to think critically about contemporary issues and problems. UNCW PAR graduates have some of the highest scores out of all university majors on pre-graduate exams like the GRE, MCAT, and the LSAT. We prepare our students to work within a diverse and international society. Many of our students study abroad and apply what they've learned to real-world events and circumstances.

The academic study of religion examines the religions of the world, including their histories, symbols, structures, beliefs. It examines religions not only by way of historical and philosophical approaches, but from literary, social, and phenomenological perspectives as well. Religious studies seeks an empathetic understanding of religious phenomena, and awareness of the diversity of religious traditions in our world. Many of our students choose to study abroad to gain a more direct understanding of religious diversity.

An overall grade point average of “C” (2.00) or better is required in courses counted toward the major. In accordance with UNCW residency requirement, at least 15 hours at the 300-400 level must be taken at UNCW.

Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:

University Course Credit
University Course Notes
200 - 400 Level PAR Electives 21
  • 15 hours must be at the 300 - 400 level, with at least 12 of them being in Religion courses
  • 15 hours overall must be in Religion courses (can do one course at the 200 level if you wish)
PAR 400: Colloquium for Majors 3