Program Admission Notes:
Transfer Admission Requirements
Students who have graduated from high school or obtained a GED or adult high school diploma and enrolled in another postsecondary institution are considered transfer students. UNCW uses a holistic approach to review transfer student applications and will consider several aspects of an application in making an admission decision.
To be competitive for transfer admission, applicants must:
Meet UNC system high school minimum course requirements (or be exempt by being 21 years of age or older or having completed 24 hours of transferable undergraduate credits)
Have completed or be enrolled in 24 hours of transferable undergraduate credit hours
Transfer applicants are also recommended to have:
A minimum 2.4 college GPA or higher
Have completed or enrolled in college-level English and/or math
Note: Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to a specific academic program. Some academic programs may require an additional application and have requirements that exceed those listed above.
The Office of Admissions
May, 2024
College Level Foreign Language Requirements:
University Studies requires a student to obtain proficiency through the 201-level (equivalent to foreign language 211 at NCCCs) in a language previously studied or the 102-level (equivalent to foreign language 112 at NCCCs) in a second foreign language not previously studied. Students will demonstrate proficiency by completing a course at the 201 level or higher in a language previously studied or at the 102-level in a second foreign language. If you graduated high school 7 or more years before you enrolled at UNCW, an exception applies to you. Then you only need to complete a language course at the 102 level (or higher).
Major-Specific Course Recommendations:
Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry
ENG 101: College Writing and Reading I
English Composition
Required Course, General Education
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc
ENG 201: College Writing and Reading II
English Composition
Required Course, General Education
PSY 150: General Psychology
PSY 105: General Psychology
UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences
Required Course, General Education
MAT 143: Quantitative Literacy
MAT 101: The Art of Mathematics
Required Course, General Education
MUS 121: Music Theory I
MUS 111: Theory I
MUS 001: Music Elective
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course, General Education
MUS 125: Aural Skills I
MUSL 111: Aural Skills & Sight-Singing I
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course, General Education
MUS 122: Music Theory II
MUS 112: Theory II
MUS 001: Music Elective
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course
MUS 126: Aural Skills II
MUSL 112: Aural Skills/Sight-Singing II
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course
MUS 161: Applied Music I
MUS 195: Low Level App Mus-Priv Lesson
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course
MUS 162: Applied Music II
MUS 195: Low Level App Mus-Priv Lesson
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course
Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:
In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Natural Sciences
General Education
Foreign Lang. 111: Elementary Level I
University Equivalencies
Additional General Education Courses
General Education
Foreign Lang. 112: Elementary Level II
University Equivalencies
Additional General Education Courses
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
Additional General Education Courses
General Education
PED 110: Fit and Well for Life
WPA 101: Wellness and Physical Activity
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
General Education
ACA 122: College Transfer Success
UNI 001: University College Elective
Academic Transition
General Transfer Credit
Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:
University Course |
Credit Hours |
University Course Notes |
MUS Core Courses
16 |
MUS 110 - Introduction to Music Technology
MUS 150 - Introduction to Music Listening
MUS 211 - Theory III
MUSL 211 - Aural Skills and Sight-Singing III
MUS 285 - Conducting I
MUS 300 - Theory IV: Applications of Music Theory
MUSL 300 - Aural Skills and Sight-Singing IV
MUS 351 - Introduction to Music History I: Middle ages - Classical Periods
MUS 352 - Introduction to Music History II: Romantic-Contemporary Periods
Core MUS Ensemble
4 |
Music Education majors are required to be in at least one large music ensemble appropriate to the student’s concentration (MUS 180, MUS 183, MUS 184, MUS 185, MUS 186, MUS 187) during each semester they are in residence, excepting the student teaching semester (4 hours). Keyboard and guitar students may substitute up to 4 hours from MUS 130, MUS 182. Only one large ensemble per semester may be credited toward the degree.
In addition, no credit toward music major requirements will be granted for MUS 105, MUS 106 and/or MUS 115. |
MUS 284: Foundations of Music Education
3 |
FNA 101: Cultures of Wrld Music/Dance
3 |
MUS 242: Class Piano IV
1 |
All music majors must pass the piano proficiency examination and the listening repertory examinations, as described in the latest edition of the Department of Music Student Handbook. All students are expected to make regular progress toward completion of those requirements. Students are required to enroll in, and successfully complete MUS 242 (1 credit hour) in order to pass the piano proficiency (piano majors may substitute a secondary applied in lieu of MUS 242.) |
MUS Performance Core
4 |
4 hours (4 semesters) of applied music in the major applied instrument (MUS 196, MUS 396) with not less than 3 hours (3 semesters) at the 300 level. |
MUS Concentrations
18-21 |
Wind and percussion majors: 19 hours
String majors: 19 hours
Vocal majors: 21 hours
Piano and Guitar majors: 18-19 hours
Watson College of Education Requirements
19 |
EDN 200 - Teacher, School and Society
EDNL 200 - Field Studies
EDN 203 - Psychological Foundations of Teaching
EDN 409 - Student Teaching