Program Admission Notes:
WSSU requires transfer students to have at least 24 hours and a minimum 2.0 GPA. These requirements apply to transfer students earning the AA/AS degree at a NCCC.
Students transferring prior to earning 24 hours can review additional admissions criteria here.
Transfer Admissions
June, 2024
College Level Foreign Language Requirements:
No college-level foreign language required for this major.
Major-Specific Course Recommendations:
Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
HIS 222: African-American Hist I
HIS 3341: African American His to 1865
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
HIS 223: African-American Hist II
HIS 3342: AfricanAmerican His since 1865
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
ENG 273: African-American Literature
ENG 3381: Blk Writers/American Lit
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:
In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry
WRI 1301: Intro to Academic Writing
English Composition
General Education
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc
ENG 1305: Thinking and Writing Crit.
English Composition
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Natural Sciences
General Education
ACA 122: College Transfer Success
FYC 1103: Freshman Seminar
Academic Transition
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
Additional General Education Courses
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
General Education
Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:
University Course |
Credit Hours |
University Course Notes |
AAS 1301: Intro Africa/African-Amer Stud
3 |
AAS 2308: African World Cultures
3 |
AAS 2310: Res. Meth. in African and AAS
3 |
AAS 4324: Sr Sem Afr/Afr-Amer Studies
3 |
Arts and Media
9 |
ART 2306 - African-American Art Credits: 3 hrs
AAS 2313 - From Back Stage to Center Stage: Black Female Playwrights in America Credits: 3 hrs
MUS 3339 - Afro-American Music Credits: 2 hrs
PED 2116 - African Dance Credits: 1 hr
Culture and Identity (Joined with History and Theory)
18 |
HIS 3332 - Cultural Dimensions of the African American Experience in the Caribbean Credits: 3 hrs
HUM 2310 - African-American Culture Credits: 3 hrs
AAS 2315 - Language, Literacy and Liberation in Africa Credits: 3 hrs
AAS 2311 - Masculinity, Resistance and African-American Cultural Texts Credits: 3 hrs
AAS 2312 - Afrocentric Wisdom and Values Credits: 3 hrs
IDS 4371 - The American South in Popular Culture Credits: 3 hrs
REL 3316 - Religion & Ethics Credits: 3 hrs
SPH 2345 - Great African-American Speeches of the 20th and 21st Centuries Credits: 3 hrs.
History and Theory (Joined with Culture and Identity)
18 |
AAS 2303 - African Political Thought Credits: 3 hrs
AAS 3306 - Negritude and Afrocentricity Credits: 3 hrs
EDU 3343 - Cultural Diversity Credits: 3 hrs
HIS 3352 - The African Presence in Mexico Credits: 3 hrs
HIS 3353 - The African Presence in the Americas Credits: 3 hrs
HIS 4356 - African American History Seminar Credits: 3 hrs
POS 4356 - Black Political Thought Credits: 3 hrs
SOC 3344 - Sex, Gender & Feminist Thought Credits: 3 hrs
SOC 4364 - Race and Culture Credits: 3 hrs
Literature and Language (Joined with Politics and Society & Science and Technology)
18 |
ENG 1315 - Black Speculative Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries Credits: 3 hrs.
ENG 3309 - The Post-Colonial Novel Credits: 3 hrs
ENG 3311 - Studies in African-American Literature Credits: 3 hrs
ENG 3344 - The African-American Novel Credits: 3 hrs
ENG 3349 - The Vernacular in African-American Literature and Culture Credits: 3 hrs
ENG 3381 - Black Writers in American Literature Credits: 3 hrs.
ENG 4344 - African-American Cultural Texts: 1965 to the Present Credits: 3 hrs
ENG 4328 - African-American Women Writers Credits: 3 hrs
FLS 3311 - Yoruba Culture and Civilization in the Americas Credits: 3 hrs
POR 2305 - Literature of Brazil and the Portuguese-Speaking World Credits: 3 hrs
POR 3311 - Literature of Brazil and Portuguese-Speaking Africa in Translation Credits: 3 hrs
POR 3312 - Cultures of the Portuguese-Speaking World Credits: 3 hrs
SPA 4338 - Masterpieces of Afro-Hispanic Literature Credits: 3 hrs
SWA 1311 - Elementary Swahili I Credits: 3 hrs
SWA 1312 - Elementary Swahili II Credits: 3 hrs
Politics and Society (Joined with Literature and Language & Science and Technology)
18 |
AAS 4302 - Race and Economics in the USA Credits: 3 hrs
AAS 2302 - Politics of Africa Credits: 3 hrs
EDU 2334 - Education, Culture, and Society Credits: 3 hrs
GEO 3311 - Urban Geography Credits: 3 hrs
JUS 3382 - Class, Race, Gender & Justice Credits: 3 hrs
POS 3331 - Civil Rights Credits: 3 hrs
POS 3371 - Urban Politics Credits: 3 hrs
SOC 4311 - Sociology of the African American Credits: 3 hrs
Science and Technology (Joined with Literature and Language & Politics and Society)
18 |
BIO 1303 - Scientific Ethics Credits: 3hrs
BIO 1305 - Human Heredity, Genetics and Society Credits: 3hrs
HED 2306 - Understanding Health Disparities in the U.S. Credits: 3 hrs
HIS 3351 - History of Science Credits: 3 hrs
MAT 4304 - History of Mathematics Credits: 3 hrs
PSY 3309 - Cross-Cultural Psychology Credits: 3 hrs
PSY 3312 - Intro to Black Psychology Credits: 3 hrs.