Winston-Salem State University

Transfer Guide

Winston-Salem State University
Interdisciplinary Studies, BIS

Transfer Guide for Associate in Arts


Delivery Method: Fully Online, On-Campus

Program Admission Notes:

WSSU requires transfer students to have at least 24 hours and a minimum 2.0 GPA. These requirements apply to transfer students earning the AA/AS degree at a NCCC.

Students transferring prior to earning 24 hours can review additional admissions criteria here.


Transfer Admissions

Revised: August, 2024

College Level Foreign Language Requirements:

No college-level foreign language required for this major.

Major-Specific Course Recommendations:

There are no major-specific community college course recommendations for this major; Students will complete all major-related coursework at the university upon transferring. While at the community college, students are encouraged to select courses that align with their interests, career goals, possible minor or secondary major to meet associate degree requirements. Students can still complete the Associate in Art or Associate in Science degree prior to transferring and receive the benefits of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA).

Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:

In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry 3 WRI 1301: Intro to Academic Writing English Composition General Education
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc 3 ENG 1305: Thinking and Writing Crit. English Composition General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 9 University Equivalencies UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 9 University Equivalencies UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 4 University Equivalencies UGETC Math General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 4 University Equivalencies UGETC Natural Sciences General Education
ACA 122: College Transfer Success 1 FYC 1103: Freshman Seminar Academic Transition General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 13 University Equivalencies Additional General Education Courses General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 14 University Equivalencies Elective/Pre-Major Courses General Education, Elective

Additional Information From Winston-Salem State University:

The B.I.S. Interdisciplinary Studies program is offered online and in-person. Students will select a Primary Depth Area (18 credits, 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000-level from similar areas) and a Secondary Breadth area (9 credits at any level in the similar areas) from a traditional major/discipline concentration in consultation with a Faculty Advisor to meet the student’s prior experience and professional goals and interests.

The above mentioned depth and breadth area requirements (30 credits), General Education Requriement (60 credits), an IDS Foundation Course Elective (3) and IDS 4370 (3). The remaining consists of 24 elective hours to reach the120-credit requirement.

Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:

University Course Credit
University Course Notes
IDS 3383: Topics/Interdisciplinary Stud 3
IDS 4370: Research/Interdisciplinary Stu 3
Electives 0-24

Elective hours to reach the120-credit requirement

Depth Area 18

Students will select 18 credit hours from their Primary Depth Area 18 credits, with at least 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000-level from similar areas.

Breadth Area 9

Students will select 9 credit hours from their Breadth Area, at any level in the similar areas from a traditional major/discipline concentration