East Carolina University

Transfer Guide

East Carolina University
Applied Sociology, BS

Transfer Guide for Associate in Arts


Concentration(s): Crime, Law, and Deviance
Delivery Method: On-Campus

Program Admission Notes:

To apply to ECU as a transfer student:

  • Complete, or have in progress, a minimum of 24 transferable college-level courses
  • Have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for all college-level coursework attempted

For this major:

  • Sociology majors must earn a minimum grade of C (2.0) in SOCI 2110 (SOC 210).


Transfer Admissions

Revised: May, 2024

College Level Foreign Language Requirements:

There is no foreign language requirement for this major.

Major-Specific Course Recommendations:

Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry 3 ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing English Composition Required Course
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc 3 ENGL 2201: Writing About the Disciplines English Composition Required Course
COM 231: Public Speaking 3 COMM 2410: Public Speaking UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts Required Course
SOC 210: Introduction to Sociology 3 SOCI 2110: Introduction to Sociology UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences Required Course
CIS 110: Introduction to Computers 3 MIS 2223: Introduction to Computers Additional General Education Courses Required Course
SOC 220: Social Problems 3 SOCI 2111: Modern Social Problems Additional General Education Courses Required Course
HEA 110: Personal Health/Wellness 3 HLTH 1000: Health in Modern Society & KINE 1000: Lifetime Phys Act and Fit Lab Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course
PHI 240: Introduction to Ethics 3 PHIL 1175: Introduction to Ethics UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts Suggested Course
ECO 251: Prin of Microeconomics 3 ECON 2113: Principles of Microeconomics UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences Suggested Course
ECO 252: Prin of Macroeconomics 3 ECON 2133: Principles of Macroeconomics UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences Suggested Course
MAT 171: Precalculus Algebra 4 MATH 1065: College Algebra & MATH 1XXX: Math for Liberal Arts UGETC Math Suggested Course
COM 140: Intro Intercultural Com 3 COMM 3180: Intercultural Communication Additional General Education Courses Suggested Course

Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:

In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 3 University Equivalencies UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 4 University Equivalencies UGETC Natural Sciences General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 5 University Equivalencies Additional General Education Courses General Education
ACA 122: College Transfer Success 1 COAD 1XXX: Univ Studies for Early College Academic Transition Elective
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 11 University Equivalencies Elective/Pre-Major Courses Elective

Additional Information From East Carolina University:

All baccalaureate degrees must include courses in Domestic Diversity (1 DD course), Global Diversity (1 GD course), and Writing Intensive (4 WI courses). Completion of an AA or AS waives the General Education requirements at ECU with the exception of

  • the Writing Intensive requirement
  • Domestic and Global Diversity requirements
  • Health-Promotion and Health-Related Physical Activity requirements
  • any foreign language requirement
  • any Cognate, prerequisite, or major specific course requirement


  • ENG 111 and 112 satisfy 2 of the 4 WI courses;
    • The Writing Across the Curriculum committee does not recommend taking more than 2 WI courses before transferring, so you don't need worry about the rest of the requirement until at ECU.
  • HIS 111, 112, 131, & 132 taken at a NCCCS after Fall 2018 count as humanities credits at ECU.
  • ECU does not have a transfer credit limit. However, keep in mind to earn a bachelor's degree at ECU, you must
    • complete 50% of your courses at a senior institution
      • approximately 60 semester hours
    • complete 25% of total credit hours needed for degree at ECU
      • approximately 30 semester hours
    • complete 50% of the total hours required in the major at ECU
      • approximately 30 semester hours

Most majors at ECU require 120 semester hours; additional electives or credits may be needed to complete this major.

New updates of ECU's Undergraduate Catalog are published in July each year. For the most up to date information, visit https://registrar.ecu.edu.

For more transfer information, visit ECU’s Transfer Hub, https://transfer.ecu.edu.

The UNC System Common Numbering System states SOC 213 is transferrable as SOCI 4325. ECU transfers SOC 213 as SOCI 1025. All SOC 213 courses will initially be transferred as SOCI 1025. The course may be changed once you declare a major. You cannot be awarded credit for both SOCI 1025 and 4325 from SOC 213.

Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:

University Course Credit
University Course Notes
SOCI 1100: Sociological Pathways 1
SOCI 3213: Methods of Research 3
SOCI 3215: Qualitative Research Methods 3
SOCI 3216: Intro to Social Statistics 3
SOCI 4385: Theoretical Perspectives Appl 3
SOCI 4800: Senior Seminar 3
SOCI 2220: Sociology of Deviant Behavior 3



LDSP 1000: Intro to Leadership Studies 3
MIS 2223: Introduction to Computers 3

If you do not take CIS 110 at the community college, you will need MIS 2223 as a required course.

ENGL 3810: Advanced Composition 3
Choose 15 hours from at least 2 different disciplines. 15
  •     FINA 2244 - Legal Environment of Business
  •     JUST 1000 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
  •     JUST 3500 - Principles of Criminal Law
  •     PHIL 1180 - Introduction to Critical Reasoning
  •     PHIL 1500 - Introduction to Logic
  •     PHIL 2275 - Professional Ethics
  •     PHIL 2282 - Philosophy of Law
  •     POLS 3204 - The American Judiciary
  •     POLS 3223 - Constitutional Powers
  •     POLS 3224 - Civil Liberties
  •     POLS 4175 - Legal Negotiation and Analysis
  •     SOCI 3330 - Criminology
  •     SOCI 3620 - Gender and Sexuality Based Violence: A Sociological Analysis
  •     SOCI 4320 - Sociology of Law
  •     SOCI 4322 - Law and Social Change
  •     SOCI 4360 - Sociology of Protest and Activism
  •     SOCI 4950 - Internship in Sociology
  •     SOCI 5300 - Seminar in Juvenile Delinquency
Choose one: 3
  •     ACCT 2101 - Survey of Financial and Managerial Accounting
  •     BIOS 1500 - Introduction to Biostatistics
  •     ENGL 3050 - Introduction to Information Design
  •     ENGL 4785 - Project Management in Professional Communication
  •     GEOG 3430 - Geographic Information Systems I
  •     HLTH 4200 - Planning and Evaluation in Health Promotion
  •     PLAN 3021 - Introduction to Planning Techniques
  •     POLS 3252 - Public Administration
  •     SOCI 3215 - Qualitative Research Methods or
  •     SOCI 4201 - Advanced Techniques in Applied Research
  •     SOCI 4510 - Research in Sociology
  •     SOCI 4550 - Honors
  •     SOCI 4950 - Internship in Sociology
  •     And other courses as approved by the director of undergraduate studies