Elizabeth City State University

Transfer Guide

Elizabeth City State University
Computer Science, BS

Transfer Guide for Associate in Arts


Concentration(s): Data Science, Information Systems
Delivery Method: On-Campus

Program Admission Notes:

ECSU requires transfer students earning an AA/AS degree to have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in college-level coursework.

If transferring prior to earning the AA/AS degree, please review transfer admissions criteria: https://www.ecsu.edu/admissions/transfer-students.php


ECSU Transfer Admissions

Revised: April, 2024

College Level Foreign Language Requirements:

No college-level foreign language is required for this major.

Major-Specific Course Recommendations:

Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
MAT 271: Calculus I 4 MATH 165: Calculus of Single Variable I Additional General Education Courses Required Course, General Education
MAT 152: Statistical Methods I 4 STAT 251: Basic Statistics I Additional General Education Courses Required Course, Suggested Course
MAT 280: Linear Algebra 3 MATH 351: Linear Algebra Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course, Suggested Course
CSC 134: C++ Programming 3 CSC 210: C++ Programming Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course, Suggested Course
CSC 120: Computing Fundamentals I 4 CSC 218: Data Struct Algor Analy Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course, Suggested Course
CSC 120: Computing Fundamentals I 4 CSC 1TR: Computer Science Elective Elective/Pre-Major Courses Suggested Course

Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:

In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry 3 ENGL 102: Composition I English Composition General Education
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc 3 ENGL 103: Composition II English Composition General Education
ENG 231: American Literature I
ENG 232: American Literature II, or ENG 241 British Literature I, or ENG 242: British Literature II
3 ECSU Equivalencies UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts General Education
ART 111: Art Appreciation
MUS 110: Music Appreciation, MUS 112: Jazz Appreciation
3 ECSU Equivalencies UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 3 ECSU Equivalencies UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts General Education
HIS 111: World Civilizations I
HIS 112:World Civilizations II
3 ECSU Equivalencies UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 6 ECSU Equivalencies UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences General Education
MAT 171: Precalculus Algebra 4 MATH 115: College Algebra UGETC Math General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 4 ECSU Equivalencies UGETC Natural Sciences General Education
ACA 122: College Transfer Success 1 UNIV 110: Freshman Seminar I Academic Transition General Education
CIS 115: Intro to Prog & Logic 3 CSC 114: Introduction to Computer Sci Additional General Education Courses General Education
CIS 110: Introduction to Computers 3 CSC 111: Introduction to Computing Additional General Education Courses General Education

Additional Information From Elizabeth City State University:


Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:

University Course Credit
University Course Notes
CSC 160: Comp Sci Maj Orient Sem 1
CSC 215: Programming II 3
CSC 260: Sophomore Sem in Comp Sci 1
CSC 314: Computer Architecture 3
CSC 325: Database and Intelligent Sys 3
CSC 335: Introduction to Web Design 3
CSC 410: Net-Centric Computing 3
CSC 412: Software Methodology and Eng 3
CSC 420: Operating Systems 3
CSC 460: Senior Seminar in Computer Sci 2
Core Electives (both concentrations) 6

Select 6 hours from the courses below.

  • CSC 240 - Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • CSC 315 - Programming Languages Concepts 
  • CSC 318 - Algorithms
  • CSC 322 - UNIX Administration & System Programming
  • CSC 409 - Artificial Intelligence 
  • CSC 413 - System Analysis and Design 
  • CSC 415 - Computer Graphics
  • CSC 421 - Topics In Computer Science 
  • CSC 430 - Undergraduate Research in Computer Science 
  • MATH 360 - Applied Cryptography & Data Security
  • MATH 410 - Linear Optimization 
Data Science Concentration 18
  • MATH 262 - Discrete Methods 
  • CSC 305 - Introduction to Bioinformatics 
  • CSC 230 - Object-Oriented Programming 
  • CSC 401 - Data Mining & Machine Learning 
  • CSC 414 - Python Programming & Visualization 
  • CSC 451 - Numerical and Symbolic Computing 
Information Science Concentration 21


  • MATH 262 - Discrete Methods 
  • BUAD 115 - Introduction to Business 
  • BMIS 425 - IT and Cyber Security Management 
  • BMIS 380 - Management Information Systems II 
  • MNGT 221 - Principles of Management 
  • ACCT 210 - Financial Accounting 
  • CSC 230 - Object-Oriented Programming OR CSC 210 - C++ Programming
CSC 115: Programming I 3
Free Electives 12-13