Behavioral Studies
Psychology: Minimum of 3 hours
PSY 105 - General Psychology (NCCCS- PSY 150)
PSY 256 - Brain and Behavior
PSY 270 - Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSY 271 - Psychology of Human Diversity
or any PSY 001-499 course for a minimum of 3 hours.
Sociology: Minimum of 3 hours
SOC 105 - Introduction to Sociology (NCCCS- SOC 210)
SOC 215 - Modern Social Problems (NCCCS- SOC 220)
SOC 240 - Individuals and Societies in a Global World
SOC 325 - Racial and Ethnic Group Relations
SOC 350 - Gender and Society
SOC 380 - Social Classes
CRM 105 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (NCCCS- CJC 111)
CRM 110 - Crime and Justice Issues (NCCCS- CJC 113)
SWK 235 - Introduction to Social Work and the Social Welfare System (NCCCS- SWK 110)
Or, a minimum of 3 hours from any SOC, CRM, SWK or HEA course numbered 001-499. Three credit hours of Watson College of Education Study Abroad can be substituted for any of the above courses.
Early Childhood Education
EDN 302 - Child Observation and Assessment
EDNL 302 - Field Experience in Early Childhood Education
EDN 424 - Child Guidance
EDN 430 - Preschool Curriculum
EDN 450 - Infant and Toddler Program Models
EDN 451 - Adaptive Practices in Early Childhood
EDNL 451 - Field Experience in Special Education
Practicum for Elementary Education Majors with EYC Concentration
EDN 411 is a typical 14-week internship for Elementary Education majors. It must be conducted in a kindergarten classroom. Grades for EDN 411, EDN 413 and EDN 419 (Practicum) will be based entirely on the intern’s performance in the kindergarten classroom. Practicum semester will conclude with 3 full days of participant observation in an approved preschool setting during the final three days of the last week of the internship, the transition week. Interns pursuing the EYC Academic Concentration will be placed in a preschool classroom. For the entire school day of each of the three days of observation, interns pursuing EYC Academic Concentration will observe the children, the teacher and the routines of the day and work with children under the direction of their partnership teacher.
English as a Second Language
TSL 265 - Culture, Advocacy and Policy for ESL Teachers *
TSL 312 - English Grammar for Teachers
TSL 326 - Applied Linguistics for ESL
All courses above may be taken prior to admission to Watson College of Education.
TSL 417 - Second Language Methods *
TSL 418 - Assessment for English Language Learners
TSL 423 - Second Language Acquisition
*Required Field Hours: TSL 265 has 10 hours; TSL 417 has 25-30 hours.
Fine Arts
Fine Arts History and Culture - Minimum of 3 Hours:
ARH 201 - Ancient Art and Archaeology (NCCCS- ART 114)
ARH 202 - Medieval and Early Modern Art (NCCCS- ART 115)
FNA 101 - Cultures of the World Through Music and Dance
FNA 102 - Explorations in the Creative Process
MUS 115 - Music in Society (NCCCS- MUS 110)
MUS 116 - History of Jazz (NCCCS- MUS 112)
MUS 117 - American Music (NCCCS- MUS 113)
THR 112 - Dance Appreciation
THR 121 - Introduction to Theatre
Or, a minimum of 3 hours from any ARH, FNA, MUS or THR course numbered 001-499. Music - Minimum of 3 Hours:
MUS 106 - Exploring Music
MUS 111 - Theory I (NCCCS- MUS 121)
MUSL 111 - Aural Skills and Sight-Singing I
MUS 150 - Introduction to Music Listening
MUS 184 - Jazz Ensemble (NCCCS- MUS 235)
MUS 185 - Symphonic Band (NCCCS- MUS 241)
MUS 186 - University Chorale
MUS 187 - Orchestra (NCCCS- MUS 237)
Or, a minimum of 3 hours from any MUS course numbered 001-499. Theatre - Minimum of 3 Hours:
THR 130 - Improvisation
THR 136 - Movement Exploration
THR 230 - Acting For Non-Majors
Or, a minimum of 3 hours from any COM or THR course numbered 001-499. Three credit hours of Watson College of Education Study Abroad can be substituted for any of the above courses.
International Studies
Semester Abroad - Minimum 12 hours from any of the following areas: Anthropology Economics Literature Art/Music Environmental Studies Political Science Conversational Language Geography Religion Comparative Education Geology Sociology Cultural History History
Specialty Study - Minimum of 5 Hours:
ANT 105 - Introduction to Anthropology
ANT 206 - Cultural Anthropology
EVS 195 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences (NCCCS- ENV 120)
EVS 205 - Global Environmental Issues
FRH 302 - Grammar and Composition I
FRH 303 - Grammar and Composition II
GER 301 - Advanced German
GGY 101 - Modern World Geography (NCCCS- GEO 112)
GGY 180 - World Regional Geography (NCCCS- GEO 111)
HST 103 - Introduction to Global History 1500-1848 (NCCCS- HIS 115)
PLS 111 - Politics and Government in Global Perspective
PLS 202 - Contemporary American Political Issues
SOC 105 - Introduction to Sociology (NCCCS- SOC 210)
SOC 215 - Modern Social Problems (NCCCS- SOC 220)
Or, any ANT, EVS, FRH, GER, GGY, HST, PLS, SOC or SPN course numbered 001-499.
Senior Seminar - 1 Hour Required:
EDN 317 - Seminar in International Education
Language Arts
Oral Communication - Minimum of 3 Hours:
COM 104 - Concepts in Communication Studies (NCCCS- COM 110)
COM 116 - Performance of Literature
COM 220 - Interpersonal Communication
THR 230 - Acting For Non-Majors
Or any COM course numbered 001-499.
Literature - Minimum of 3 Hours:
ENG 110 - Introduction to Literature (NCCCS- ENG 131)
ENG 211 - British Literature to 1800 (NCCCS- ENG 241)
ENG 212 - British Literature Since 1800 (NCCCS- ENG 242)
ENG 223 - American Literature to 1870 (NCCCS- ENG 231)
ENG 224 - American Literature Since 1870 (NCCCS- ENG 232)
ENG 225 - World Literature to 1600 (NCCCS- ENG 261)
ENG 226 - World Literature Since 1600 (NCCCS- ENG 262)
ENG 227 - World Anglophone Literatures
ENG 230 - Women In Literature (NCCCS- ENG 274)
ENG 232 - African American Literature (NCCCS- ENG 273)
ENG 290 - Themes in Literature
Or any ENG course numbered 001-499.
Writing - Minimum of 3 Hours:
CRW 201 - Introduction to Creative Writing (NCCCS- ENG 125)
CRW 203 - The Evolution of Creative Writing: Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Nonfiction (NCCCS- ENG 126)
CRW 314 - Theory and Practice of Literary Translation
ENG 308 - Grant and Proposal Writing
Or any CRW or ENG course numbered 001-499.
Three credit hours of Watson College of Education Study Abroad can be substituted for any of the above courses.
Mathematics and Technology
MAT 141 - Concepts of Mathematics: Number, Operations, and Problem Solving (NCCCS- MAT 141)
MAT 142 - Concepts of Mathematics: Geometry, Measurement, and Problem Solving (NCCCS- MAT 142)
MAT 151 - Basic Calculus with Applications I (NCCCS- MAT 263)
MAT 161 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry I (NCCCS- MAT 271)
STT 215 - Introduction to Statistics (NCCCS- MAT 151)
Or any MAT or STT course numbered 001-499.
Technology - Minimum of 3 Hours:
CSC 112 - Introduction to Computer Programming (NCCCS- CSC 120)
CSC 121 - Programming Concepts I (NCCCS- CSC 115)
CSC 133 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
Or any CSC or MIS course numbered 001-499.
Three credit hours of Watson College of Education Study Abroad can be substituted for any of the above courses.
Physical Activity, Wellness and Childhood Obesity
HFE 345 - Childhood Obesity
Choose 15 hours from the following courses:
CHHS 210 - Creating Happiness and Well-Being
HEA 105 - Individual Well-Being
HEA 207 - Nutrition and Behavior
HEA 304 - Comprehensive School Health Education, Grades K-12
HFE 386 - Physical Activity Pedagogy I
HFE 415 - Adapted Physical Activity
Science and Health
Health - Minimum of 3 Hours: Any HEA course numbered 001-499.
Science - Minimum of 3 Hours:
BIO 105 - Concepts of Modern Biology (NCCCS- BIO 110)
BIO 150 - Humans and Ecology
BIO 170 - Biology of the Sea
BIO 202 - Principles of Biology: Biodiversity (NCCCS- BIO 112)
CHM 101 - General Chemistry I (NCCCS- CHM 151)
CHML 101 - General Chemistry Laboratory I
EDN 426 - Island Ecology for Educators
EVS 195 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences (NCCCS- ENV 120)
EVS 205 - Global Environmental Issues
GGY 230 - Introduction to Weather and Climate
GLY 101 - Earth Revealed (NCCCS- GEL 111)
GLY 120 - Environmental Geology (NCCCS- GEL 230)
GLY 125 - Natural Disasters
GLY 135 - Prehistoric Life
OCN 250 - Coasts and Society
PHY 101 - Elementary College Physics I (NCCCS- PHY 151)
PHY 102 - Elementary College Physics II (NCCCS- PHY 152)
PHY 103 - Great Ideas in Physics
PHY 104 - Physics Everyone Should Know
PHY 105 - Introductory Physics (NCCCS- PHY 153)
PHY 201 - General Physics I (NCCCS- PHY 251)
PHY 202 - General Physics II (NCCCS- PHY 252)
PHY 220 - The Physics of Music
PHY 260 - Introduction to Astronomy
Or any BIO, PHY, CHM, EVS, GGY or GLY course numbered 001-499. Three credit hours Watson College of Education of Study Abroad can be substituted for any of the above courses.
Social Studies
Geography - Minimum of 3 Hours:
GGY 130 - Geosystems (NCCCS- GEO 130)
GGY 180 - World Regional Geography (NCCCS- GEO 111)
GGY 230 - Introduction to Weather and Climate
Or any GGY course numbered 001-499. Political Science - Minimum of 3 Hours:
PLS 101 - American National Government
PLS 111 - Politics and Government in Global Perspective
PLS 202 - Contemporary American Political Issues
Or any PLS course numbered 001-499. Social Sciences - Minimum of 3 Hours:
AFN 130 - Introduction to Africana Studies
ANT 206 - Cultural Anthropology
ECN 125 - Survey of Economics
HST 103 - Introduction to Global History 1500-1848 (NCCCS- HIS 115)
PLS 222 - Contemporary International Political Issues
SOC 105 - Introduction to Sociology (NCCCS- SOC 210)
SOC 215 - Modern Social Problems (NCCCS- SOC 220)
Or any AFN, ANT, ECN, HST, PLS or SOC course numbered 001-499. Three hours of Watson College of Education Study Abroad can be substituted for any of the above courses.
Special Education
SED 351 - Learning and Behavioral Disorders in a Diverse Society
SED 352 - Behavioral Development
SED 356 - Severe Disabilities
SED 368 - Teaching Reading to Students with Special Needs OR
SED 369 - Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs
SED 372 - Program Development in Special Education
SEDL 368 - Teaching Reading to Learners with Special Needs Laboratory OR
SEDL 369 - Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs Laboratory