Program Admission Notes:
To apply to ECU as a transfer student:
Complete, or have in progress, a minimum of 24 transferable college-level courses
Have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for all college-level coursework attempted
To declare this major, students must have
a minimum cumulative 2.7 GPA
documented scores for Praxis I Series (PPST, CBT or documented scores on SAT/ACT)
successful completion of the KINE majors’ fitness test
successful completion of the computer competency requirement
Health & Human Performance Advising
February, 2025
College Level Foreign Language Requirements:
There is no foreign language required for this major.
Major-Specific Course Recommendations:
Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry
ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
English Composition
Required Course
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc
ENGL 2201: Writing About the Disciplines
English Composition
Required Course
MAT 171: Precalculus Algebra
MATH 1065: College Algebra
MATH 1XXX: Math for Liberal Arts
Required Course
BIO 110: Principles of Biology
OR BIO 111: General Biology I
University Equivalencies
UGETC Natural Sciences
Required Course
PHY 151: College Physics I
PHYS 1250: General Physics I
PHYS 1251: General Physics Laboratory I
Additional General Education Courses
Required Course
HEA 110: Personal Health/Wellness
HLTH 1000: Health in Modern Society
KINE 1000: Lifetime Phys Act and Fit Lab
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course
EDU 216: Foundations of Education
EDUC 3200: Foundations of American Educ
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course
PSY 150: General Psychology
PSYC 1000: Introductory Psychology
UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences
Suggested Course
BIO 163: Basic Anat & Physiology
BIOL 2130: Survey Hum Physiol and Anatomy
BIOL 2131: Surv Hum Physiol Anatomy Lab
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
BIO 155: Nutrition
NUTR 2105: Nutrition Science
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:
In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
Additional General Education Courses
General Education
ACA 122: College Transfer Success
COAD 1XXX: Univ Studies for Early College
Academic Transition
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
Additional General Education Courses
Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:
University Course |
Credit Hours |
University Course Notes |
KINE 2122: Motor Development
2 |
KINE 2202: Motor Learning and Performance
3 |
KINE 2600: Movement Education
3 |
KINE 2850: Structural Kinesiology
1 |
KINE 2900: Teaching Skillful Movement
3 |
KINE 3000: Curriculum in Physical Educ
2 |
KINE 3500: Secondary Content in Phys Ed
3 |
KINE 3540: Fitness Education
2 |
KINE 3805: Physiology of Exercise
3 |
KINE 3850: Introduction to Biomechanics
3 |
KINE 3900: Elem School Instruction in PE
4 |
KINE 3906: Adapted Physical Education
3 |
WI |
EDTC 4001: Technology in Education
2 |
EDUC 3002: Introduction to Diversity
3 |
EDUC 4400: Found Schl Lrng, Motv, Assessm
3 |
Choose EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305: Educational Psychology. |
KINE 2123: Early Exp for Prospective Tchr
2 |
KINE 4323: Middle & HS Inst Hlthy Living
4 |
KINE 4324: Internship in EXSS
9 |
KINE 4325: Intern Seminar: Issues in PE
1 |
READ 3990: Teach Reading in Secondry Sch
2 |
Choose READ 3990 or READ 5317: Adolescent Literacy in the Content Areas. |
SPED 2000: Intro to Exceptional Children
2 |
Choose 12-18 hours:
12-18 |
Choose 12-18 semester hours from the following list :
Courses with asterisks are acceptable for licensure. Physical Education Majors must choose 12 sh of HLTH or NUTR courses.
BIOL 2130 - Survey of Human Physiology and Anatomy
EHST 2110 - Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences
HLTH 2000 - Principles of Public Health *
HLTH 2050 - Sexual Health *
HLTH 2125 - Responding to Emergencies with Basic Life Support *
HLTH 2126 - Responding to Emergencies with Basic Life Support Laboratory *
HLTH 2220 - Injury Prevention and Care Related to Physical Activity *
HLTH 3000 - Theory and Practice in Community Health Education *
HLTH 3010 - Health Problems *
HLTH 3020 - Understanding and Achieving Health Equity *
HLTH 3355 - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Education and Prevention *
HLTH 4410 - Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Sexuality Education *
HLTH 4605 - Community Strategies for Health Education *
KINE 2202 - Motor Learning and Performance
KINE 2900 - Teaching Skillful Movement
KINE 3300 - Applied Sports Psychology
KINE 3301 - Physical Education and Sport in Modern Society
KINE 3805 - Physiology of Exercise
KINE 3850 - Introduction to Biomechanics
KINE 3900 - Elementary School Instruction in Physical Education
KINE 3906 - Adapted Physical Education
KINE 4806 - Exercise Evaluation and Prescription
NUTR 1000 - Contemporary Nutrition *
NUTR 2105 - Nutrition Science *
PSYC 1000 - Introductory Psychology
PSYC 4350 - Psychology of Sexual Behavior
SOCI 1025 - Sociology of Intimate Relationships
SOCI 3325 - Sociology of Human Sexuality