Program Admission Notes:
To apply to ECU as a transfer student:
Complete, or have in progress, a minimum of 24 transferable college-level courses
Have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for all college-level coursework attempted
Transfer Admissions
February, 2025
College Level Foreign Language Requirements:
Complete 12 hours of foreign language.
At the community college, students take levels 111-212, such as SPA 111, SPA 112, SPA 211, and SPA 212.
Students are encouraged to complete the foreign language requirement before transferring, but it is not required to transfer.
Major-Specific Course Recommendations:
Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry
ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
English Composition
Required Course
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc
ENGL 2201: Writing About the Disciplines
English Composition
Required Course
REL 110: World Religions
RELI 1690: World Religions
Additional General Education Courses
Required Course
HEA 110: Personal Health/Wellness
HLTH 1000: Health in Modern Society
KINE 1000: Lifetime Phys Act and Fit Lab
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Required Course
ANT 221: Comparative Cultures
ANTH 2010: Societies Around the World
Additional General Education Courses
Suggested Course
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
Additional General Education Courses
Suggested Course
Foreign Lang. 111: Elementary Level I
University Equivalencies
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
Foreign Lang. 112: Elementary Level II
University Equivalencies
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
Foreign Lang. 211: Intermediate Level I
University Equivalencies
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
Foreign Lang. 212: Intermediate Level II
University Equivalencies
Elective/Pre-Major Courses
Suggested Course
Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:
In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.
Recommended CC Course |
Credit Hours |
University Equivalent
Associate Degree Requirement Fulfilled |
University Requirement Fulfilled |
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
General Education
Student Choice/No Preference
(Approved Course Options)
University Equivalencies
UGETC Natural Sciences
General Education
ACA 122: College Transfer Success
COAD 1XXX: Univ Studies for Early College
Academic Transition
Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:
University Course |
Credit Hours |
University Course Notes |
ANTH 2010: Societies Around the World
21 |
Choose 21 hours:
ANTH 2010 - Societies Around the World
ANTH 3002 - Cultures of East Asia
ANTH 3003 - Cultures of Africa
ANTH 3004 - Cultures of the South Pacific
ANTH 3113 - Archaeology of the Old Testament World or
RELI 3113 - Archaeology of the Old Testament World
ANTH 3114 - Archaeology of the New Testament World or
RELI 3114 - Archaeology of the New Testament World
ANTH 3030 - Death and Disease in the Classical World
ANTH 4054 - Anthropology of Religion
CLAS 1500 - Classical Mythology
CLAS 1600 - Sex, Spells and Sacrifices: Religion in the Classical World or
RELI 1600 - Sex, Spells and Sacrifices: Religion in the Classical World
ENGL 2630 - The Bible as Literature
ENGL 3640 - Literature and Religion
GLST 2600 - The Holocaust
GRK 1001 - Ancient Greek Level I
GRK 1002 - Ancient Greek Level II
GRK 2003 - Ancient Greek Level III
GRK 2004 - Ancient Greek Level IV
HIST 3412 - A History of Christianity to 1300
HIST 3413 - A History of Christianity 1300-present
HIST 3627 - History of Japanese Buddhism
HIST 3820 - History of South Africa
HIST 3830 - Africa and Islam
HIST 5360 - The Reformation, 1450-1598
PHIL 1290 - Introduction to Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 3290 - Philosophy of Religion
POLS 3090 - Religion and American Politics
PSYC 3314 - Psychology of Religion
RELI 1000 - Introduction to Religious Studies
RELI 1500 - Use and Abuse of the Bible
RELI 1690 - World Religions
RELI 2340 - Religion and Science
RELI 2345 - Religion and the Environment
RELI 2350 - Religion and Sexuality
RELI 2360 - Religion and Healthcare
RELI 2400 - Religion and Film
RELI 2500 - Study Abroad
RELI 2600 - Interfaith Engagement
RELI 2691 - Classical Islam
RELI 2692 - Buddhism
RELI 2693 - Hinduism
RELI 2694 - Indigenous Religions
RELI 2695 - Introduction to the Old Testament
RELI 2696 - Introduction to the New Testament
RELI 2697 - Judaism
RELI 3000 - Motherhood of God in Asian Traditions
RELI 3400 - The History of the Devil in the Judeo-Christian Traditions
RELI 3690 - Religion and Gender
RELI 3691 - Islam in the Modern World
RELI 3692 - Tibetan Religion and Culture
RELI 3694 - Religions of Africa
RELI 3698 - Mysticism
RELI 3700 - Religion and Social Issues
RELI 3796 - Paul and His Letters
RELI 3800 - Religion and Violence
RELI 3896 - Life and Teachings of Jesus
RELI 3930 - Directed Readings in Religious Studies
RELI 4699 - Special Topics in Religious Studies
RELI 4800 - Religious Studies Seminar II
RELI 4900 - Internship in Religious Studies
RELI 5000 - Religious Studies Seminar
SOCI 4341 - Sociology of Religion
Minor or Approved Structured Electives
18 |
Students in this major must complete a minor or approved structured electives (minimum of 18 additional hours). |