East Carolina University

Transfer Guide

East Carolina University
Science Education, BS

Transfer Guide for Associate in Science


Concentration(s): Physics
Delivery Method: On-Campus

Program Admission Notes:

To apply to ECU as a transfer student:

  • Complete, or have in progress, a minimum of 24 transferable college-level courses
  • Have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for all college-level coursework attempted

A 2.7 GPA is required to pursue/declare this major. 


College of Education Advising

Revised: February, 2025

College Level Foreign Language Requirements:

There is no foreign language requirement for this major. 

Major-Specific Course Recommendations:

Students are encouraged to build the Community College course recommendations below into the associate degree to best prepare for the intended major.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry 3 ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing English Composition Required Course
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc 3 ENGL 2201: Writing About the Disciplines English Composition Required Course
PSY 150: General Psychology 3 PSYC 1000: Introductory Psychology UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences Required Course
MAT 171: Precalculus Algebra 4 MATH 1065: College Algebra & MATH 1XXX: Math for Liberal Arts UGETC Math Required Course
BIO 111: General Biology I 4 BIOL 1100: Principles of Biology I & BIOL 1101: Principles of Biology Lab I UGETC Natural Sciences Required Course
BIO 112: General Biology II 4 BIOL 1200: Principles of Biology II & BIOL 1201: Principles of Biology II Lab UGETC Natural Sciences Required Course
CHM 151: General Chemistry I 4 CHEM 1150: General Chemistry I & CHEM 1151: General Chemistry I Lab Additional General Education Courses Required Course
GEL 111: Geology 4 GEOL 1500: Dynamic Earth & GEOL 1501: Dynamic Earth Laboratory Additional General Education Courses Required Course
HEA 110: Personal Health/Wellness 3 HLTH 1000: Health in Modern Society & KINE 1000: Lifetime Phys Act and Fit Lab Elective/Pre-Major Courses Required Course
SOC 225: Social Diversity 3 SOCI 1010: Race, Gender, Class Additional General Education Courses Suggested Course
CHM 152: General Chemistry II 4 CHEM 1160: General Chemistry II & CHEM 1161: General Chemistry II Lab Elective/Pre-Major Courses Suggested Course
PHY 151: College Physics I 4 PHYS 1250: General Physics I & PHYS 1251: General Physics Laboratory I Elective/Pre-Major Courses Suggested Course
MAT 271: Calculus I 4 MATH 2171: Calculus I Elective/Pre-Major Courses Suggested Course

Remaining Associate Degree Requirements:

In addition to major-specific course recommendations above, students should work with a community college advisor to select additional community college courses to fulfill the remaining associate degree requirements identified below.

Recommended CC Course Credit
University Equivalent Associate Degree
Requirement Fulfilled
University Requirement Fulfilled
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 6 University Equivalencies UGETC Humanities/Fine Arts General Education
Student Choice/No Preference (Approved Course Options) 3 University Equivalencies UGETC Social/Behavioral Sciences General Education
MAT 172: Precalculus Trigonometry 4 MATH 1083: Precalculus & MATH 1XXX: Math for Liberal Arts UGETC Math Elective
ACA 122: College Transfer Success 1 COAD 1XXX: Univ Studies for Early College Academic Transition Elective

Additional Information From East Carolina University:

General Education waiver information, for students completing an AA, AS, AATP, or ASTP, can be found on our Transfer Hub.

ECU does not have a transfer credit limit.

  • A minimum of 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree and at least 50 percent of the total hours required in the major must be completed through enrollment in East Carolina University.

New updates of ECU's Undergraduate Catalog are published in July each year. For the most up to date information, visit https://registrar.ecu.edu.

For more transfer information, visit ECU’s Transfer Hub, https://transfer.ecu.edu.

Remaining Bachelor’s Degree Requirements at University:

University Course Credit
University Course Notes
PSYC 2777: Ethnocultural Psychology 3

Choose PSYC 2777 or SOCI 1010: Race, Gender, Class. If SOC 225 is taken at community college, this requirement is satisfied.

PHYS 1260: General Physics II 3
SCIE 3602: Investigations in Physical Sci 3
SCIE 3604: Invstgtns Life and Environ Sci 3
SCIE 3606: Invest in Earth and Space Sci 3
SCIE 3323: Intro- Teach HS Science Class 3
SCIE 4323: Teaching Sci in High School 3
EDUC 4400: Found Schl Lrng, Motv, Assessm 3

Choose EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305:Educational Psychology.

READ 3990: Teach Reading in Secondry Sch 3

Choose READ 3990 or READ 5317: Adolescent Literacy in the Content Areas.

SCIE 2123: Exps for Prospective Teacher 1
SCIE 4030: Tech in Science Teaching 3
SCIE 4324: Internship in Sci Educ 9
SCIE 4325: Intrnshp Sem Issues in Sci Ed 2
SPED 4010: Effect Instr Inclusive Class 2
MATH 2172: Calculus II 4
PHYS 2350: University Physics I 4
PHYS 2360: University Physics II 4
PHYS 3416: Modern Physics I 3
PHYS 3417: Modern Physics II 3
PHYS 4700: Advanced Laboratory 3


PHYS 4701: Advanced Laboratory 0
PHYS 4080: Astronomy 6

Choose 2 from 

  • PHYS 4080 - Astronomy and PHYS 4081 - Astronomy Laboratory
  • PHYS 4120 - Thermodynamics
  • PHYS 4310 - Modern Optics